A duration is a way to say how long a rule must hold true before

ie, you may have a rule that only 100 people can fit in this room.
But, you don't call the cops until more than 100 people have been
in the room for over 5 minutes.

With the escalation example, the duration basically is used to
say "If the customer's problem has been resolved in 30 minutes,
upgrade the status".

The duration must be continuous.  It's not additive.  If you call
the cops after 5 minutes, and the population of the room returns
to 100 after 4:30, then the rule hasn't been satisfied, and the
clock starts over the next time the population exceeds 100.

Not all rules will require a duration.


On Wed, 29 May 2002, Larry S. Bartz wrote:

> What is the purpose of the "duration" specification, as used
> in the example escalation_data/escalation.xml? What does it
> do? How does it work? Under what conditions should it
> be used?


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