Hi Alexandre,

What platform are you building on? Some platforms seem to end up with larger 
code than x86 - not entirely sure if it’s the architecture or compiler issues. 
Compiler flags can also make a big difference, were you using the suggested 
ones? I know -flto makes a difference with avr-gcc microcontroller code, it 
might help for Dropbear too. 

You could grab the Dropbear 0.44 souce tree and see how it compares - I suspect 
it has got a bit larger, though not that much. ECDSA and the newer sha2 modes 
are the big things that come to mind and can be disabled in options.h


> On Mon 16/2/2015, at 10:24 pm, Alexandre Kaskasoli 
> <alexkaskas...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Matt,
> There is a link on the homepage on compiling dropbear to about 110kb but the
> post is from 2004.
> I've been playing around with options.h and managed to get the dropbear
> server to about 195kb.
> I realise a lot of things have been added and changed in the last decade and
> I'm happy with the size but was wondering if we could reach any smaller now?

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