Hi Nik,

> dbclient sends "SSH-2.0-dropbear_2018.76\r\n" and kexinit
> cisco sends "SSH-2.0-Cisco-1.25\r\n"
> then cisco waits "ip ssh time-out" seconds and then closes the TCP socket.
> my conjecture is that cisco empties its receive buffer after sendind the 
> identification string and then waits for the lost kexinit.
> To prove my idea I added a sleep() after the first write_packet(), and 
> dbclient was able to connect to cisco (ios 12.4 and 15.1).

Yes, it seems some Cisco SSH versions are buggy. Older IOS is possibly OK (I 
did a bit of investigation about a year ago when someone reported similar). 

I'm not keen on changing dbclient, the current implementation saves a network 
roundtrip. It's perfectly reasonable according to the spec. If you have Cisco 
support could you report it to them?


5.2.  New Client, Old Server

   Since the new client MAY immediately send additional data after its
   identification string (before receiving the server's identification
   string), ...

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