Hi Mike,

The limit's arbitrary so 32 would be fine. Maybe even something like 100.
I'll increase it for the next release.


> On Fri 1/3/2019, at 8:28 am, W. Michael Petullo <m...@flyn.org> wrote:
> Dropbear's auth.h defines MAX_USERNAME_LEN as 25 and provides the
> commentary "arbitrary for the moment."
> The useradd utility from shadow-utils on Linux supports usernames with
> up to 32 characters.
> This means that some valid users cannot make use of SSH, namely users
> for which len(username) is larger than 25 but less than 32.
> 32 seems pretty common. Can we modify Dropbear to use 32 instead of 25?
> -- 
> Mike
> :wq

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