
As usual, there will be DSpace Developers Meeting later today (Weds, Feb 
17) in the #duraspace IRC channel at 20:0O UTC.  Again, that's 15:00 EST 
or 12:00 PST for those in the USA.

Agenda items include:

(1) DSpace 1.6RC2 Testathon latest status

(2) Cancel next week's meeting (on Feb 24)?  Many developers will be at 
either dev8D or code4lib.

(3) Possible Special Topic Meeting on Weds, March 3: Review of DSpace 
Release Process/Schedule.  We already have some ideas/brainstorms on the 
Wiki (feel free to add your own thoughts/ideas):

(4) JIRA Review of recent issues

Feel free to send along other topics/details to add to the agenda.

Transcripts and more information about our Developer meetings are 
available at:

As always, all our meetings are public.  We welcome any developers or 
non-developers to attend or just read along with the chat discussions.

- Tim

Tim Donohue
Technical Lead for DSpace Project

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