
As usual, there will be a DSpace Developers Meeting tomorrow (Weds, 
March 17) in the #duraspace IRC channel at 20:00 UTC.

*For those in the USA:*  Remember, as we are now in Daylight Savings, 
this meeting is one hour *later* than normal.  So, it's now 16:00 EDT or 
13:00 PDT in the USA.  Check the world clock for your area if you are 
unsure if the time of the meeting has changed:

Agenda items include:

(1) We've got a new committer!  Peter Dietz of Ohio State University 
Libraries has joined the committers group.

(2) Face-to-face committer meeting at OR2010?  Perhaps on Monday, July 
5, before the conference?  We may also have an opportunity for a small 
joint meeting with Fedora committers.

(3) Continuation of Time-Driven Release discussions from last week's 
meeting.  Can we start to move towards a consensus on whether we want 
time-driven releases and, if so, what time-frame to attempt for a 1.7 
release?  I've written up some general notes from last week's discussion:

(4) JIRA Review of recent issues - we last left off at DS-494

(5) Any other immediate topics to discuss?

Transcripts and more information about our Developer meetings are 
available at:

As always, all our meetings are public.  We welcome any developers or 
non-developers to attend or just read along with the chat discussions.

Tim Donohue
Technical Lead for DSpace Project

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