On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:09:21AM +0000, bingbingwang wrote:

> 1. I am using eclipse for development IDE. I have tried NetBeans,
> but there is a known issue of "never ending scanning before
> running". Any known issue/problem of using eclipse?

For me, NB does take a few seconds to open up the dozens of projects
in DSpace, but it's not too bad.  I never heard of this never-ending
project scan issue.

I had a complementary issue with Eclipse that finally made me switch
to NB: frequently Eclipse would wander off into the weeds, rebuilding
every project over and over and over, for as much as half an hour, in
the foreground, bringing work to a halt.

> 3. I include external jars that supports the APIs used. Following
> are a list of jars that needs to be added. Since all the jars are
> sparsely located in my machine, they need to be added one after
> another to the project. The approach is not good, since next time I
> new another project, I might need to include the jars once
> more. Another approach is to include the directory to the system
> .classpath, but then the problem is: I will get a very very long
> classpath. I also doubt the feasibility of this approach. What is the
> normal way to include the jars?

This makes me suppose that you don't have the Maven plugin for
Eclipse.  The plugin should look at the POMs and work out the
dependencies, and Maven itself will acquire the JARs all over again
and add them to the classpath.  The plugin will tell Eclipse about the
additions to the classpath.

Yes, it's a pain to have separate copies of zillions of JARs in the
Maven local repository, but there's a saying:  "don't fight Maven;
you'll lose."

> 4. Actually I have separated org.dspace.search from whole project, I
> can build a project and the structure is as follows:
> DspaceSearchTest 
>    - .settings
>    - bin
>          - org
>              - apache
>                  - search
>    - src 
>          - org
>              - apache
>                  - search
>    - config

Then you definitely aren't using Maven.  It will get in your way again
and again until you surrender and use the layout it expects, and the
above is not it.

On the other hand, if you aren't using Maven then you are working too
hard.  The product is set up to be built by Maven, and it will just
take care of all kinds of details for you.

> However,  error "Fatal: cannot find /dspace.cfg" happens.  I tried
> to put the dspace.cfg in different places of the project, but the
> error persists. Where should I put the configuration file?

Look at the path:  "/dspace.cfg".  It is looking for the file at the
root of the filesystem.  My guess is that you're not going through the
installation process, so something hasn't been customized with the
actual target location of DSpace.

The webapp.s should look for a context parameter "dspace-config" and
pass its value to the ConfigurationManager.  This gets set up in
WEB-INF/web.xml when DSpace is installed.  Any part of DSpace that
cares about the configuration will also be sensitive to the value of a
system property "dspace.configuration", which can be pointed to the
file.  If all else fails, it will search the classpath for
"/dspace.cfg" and throw an IllegalStateException if that can't be

I'm not sure what else will break if you try to run a copy that hasn't
been installed, but you definitely need to tell DSpace where to find
its configuration.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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