With apologies for cross-postingÅ 

On 25/07/2013 14:33, "OSBORNE Nicola" <nicola.osbo...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:

>There is just one week to go until Repository Fringe 2013, which takes
>place in Edinburgh from 31st July 2013 to 2nd August 2013.
>You can find out more about the Fringe on the website:
>Registration is still open if you would like to secure your place:
>We are delighted to announce that we have published our programme filled
>with super presentations, round tables and Pecha Kucha. If you would
>still like to make a contribution to the programme there is just enough
>time for submitting a last minute Pecha Kucha, otherwise we are happy to
>receive updates, ideas, etc. as guest blog posts, videos or other digital
>materials to be shared on the Repository Fringe website.
>Joining online
>If you cannot make the event in person but would like to follow on
>remotely then please keep an eye on our hashtag #rfringe13 and on the
>blog. There will be some live blogging and we have volunteer bloggers
>(and welcome more if you'd like to take part) who will share their
>reflections throughout the event. We will also be videoing all of the
>talks (any taking place in Room 1) and these will be shared online as
>quickly as we can after the event.
>Developer Challenge
>If you have registered for the event and are taking part in the Developer
>Challenge do take the time to take a look at our prizes, our theme for
>this year, and our rules. If you have indicated that you may be taking
>part in the Challenge you will also receive an email shortly with a few
>more details from Muriel Mewissen who is coordinating the Developer
>Challenge this year.
>The Developer Challenge is very deliberately at the heart of the Fringe
>this year. We want there to be lots of opportunities to chat and exchange
>ideas across the whole event. With that in mine if you would like to be
>part of the Developer Challenge but cannot make it along in person you
>can still submit your idea/hack online. Take a look at the Developer
>Challenge page for more on how to do this. Our dedicated Challenge
>hashtag is: #rfringe13dev.
>Thank You
>We are very much looking forward to seeing some of you in Edinburgh next
>week. We think this will be another fantastic Repository Fringe!
>- Nicola Osborne (Chair Repository Fringe 2013)  and the Repository
>Fringe Organising Team
>Key links for Repository Fringe 2013
>- Website: http://repositoryfringe.org/
>- Programme: http://rfringe13.blogs.edina.ac.uk/programme/
>- Essentials for Presenters:
>- Networking Session - what to bring:
>- Developer Challenge:
>- Developer Challenge Rules:
>- All of our social media links in one place - including our hashtags:
>- Beginners Guide to Social Media:
>- Connect with us - Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/repofringe13/
>- Connect with us - Crowdvine: http://rfringe13.crowdvine.com/
>- Connect with us - Lanyrd: http://lanyrd.com/2013/rfringe13/
>- Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/repofringe

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Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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