While reviewing DS-2082 I realized that the way bitstreams are handled
in the provenance doesn't make much sense to me.  I'll admit that I
don't think people are adding and removing bitstreams within
particular items all that often, but still, I feel that this is simply
an awful format for recording how an item came to be as it is.

Should we not append a *new* dc.description.provenance value every
time the item is changed, rather than endlessly extending a single
one?  The single string is awfully hard to read, let alone
mechanically parse, and at some point one will surely overflow the
maximum size of a TEXT column.  Listing all of the bitstreams' names
in a single line every time there is a change is also not so
scalable.  That's one factor that led to DS-2028 in the first place.

I recall that there have been proposals for more radically
reorganizing this information, and perhaps that's what we should do.
But at a bare minimum, shouldn't we break the history of an item down
into separate entries, instead of stringing them together?

BTW the change I suggest would require some other work, as right now
we are lucky that the appending happens on the proper metadatavalue.
MetadataUtilities.appendMetadata clearly was supposed to index through
matching entries looking for the "right" one, but in fact it ignores
the index and always appends to the first value that that DBMS happens
to return.  I'm filing an issue on that, as it seems wrong
regardless.  OTOH I see that it's only used three places, all in the
item updater, and likely would have no purpose if we change the way
item updates are recorded.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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