Hi Rafa,
it is strange that the filter doesn't work, if you share the relevant part of your spring configuration and your solr logs we can try to understand. Anyway, note that using the filter will esclude the Van de Velde authored items from the result and not only his name from the author facets.

I discourage you to attempt to remove the name from the facet list after the search, it is complex as it also affect pagination of facets result.
IMHO it is better to avoid indexing of the value at all.

Place to look to prevent indexing
try something like
if ("Van de Velde, Kevin".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) continue;
obviously you need to make the code more general and configurable, maybe you want to check also which facet is indexing.

The above solution is a very clumsy patch... an elegant solution, as the one adopted in DSpace-CRIS, requires the ability to index virtual metadata that can be external defined (filtering existent one as in your use case)

I don't know where in the code is controlled the resultset sent to static-sidebar-facet.jsp.

but as you can see following the code the mapping between the SOLR response and the java object used by the view is done at a very low level in the DSpace API.

Hope this help,

Il 18/04/2016 11:24, Rafa Carreres ha scritto:
Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your help.

According to this, filtering with -dc.contributor.author:"Van de Velde, Kevin" should show all the authors but that one, but unfortunately it doesn't work. Oddly, the same query in SOLR web interface works perfectly, excluding those items including that particular author.

Checking out solr.log shows that the filter is being applied but with no effect.

Another approach I'm currently is to modify the code in static-sidebar-facet.jsp to exclude those authors I don't want to be showed in the facet. It works, but, instead of 5 authors (I have limit=5), for example, it shows 4, as "Van de Velde, Kevin" has been excluded.

I don't know where in the code is controlled the resultset sent to static-sidebar-facet.jsp.

Any clue about this point?


On Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 3:02:31 PM UTC+2, Andrea Bollini wrote:

    Hi Rafa,
    the defaultFilterQueries parameter allows you to limit the result
    set. The facet are automatically build upon the result. This mean
    that in your case you will have in the author facet only Van de
    Velde, Kevin and his coauthors. Also if you write the opposite
    query, i.e.
    -dc.contributor.autor:"Van de Velde, Kevin"
    I guess that the result will be not what you expect. No items
    where Van de Velde appears as author will be retrieved, so it will
    be not included in the author facet but I guess that this is more
    restrictive than what you want to achieve.

    To exclude a terms from a facet the only way is to prevent such
    term to be indexed and you can do that only customizing the code.

    In DSpace-CRIS you can easily achieve such goal implementing an
    EnhancedValueGenerator and using such virtual metadata (i.e.
    item.filteredauhor) in the discovery facet configuration

    An example of virtual metadata build using this interface in
    DSpace-CRIS and used in discovery can be found here:

    Hope this help,

    Il 14/04/2016 10:48, Rafa Carreres ha scritto:
    Hi all,

    In DSpace 5 (Jspui) I have a facet for authors. But, I would like
    to exclude certain authors from the facet.

    I have read the documentation
    <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC5x/Discovery>) about
    discovery and "Adding default filter queries (OPTIONAL)".

    According to this, if I define something like this:

    <property name="defaultFilterQueries">
    <value>dc.contributor.author: "Van de Velde, Kevin"</value>

    Does it mean that I'll only get "Van de Velde, Kevin" in the
    author facet?

    If so, how could I EXCLUDE a number of author from the facet?
    What's the syntax for this?


    Rafa Carreres
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-- Andrea Bollini
    International Business Development, Deputy Leader
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Andrea Bollini
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