Here is how I got RDF to work.

1.       Download and install Jena Fuseki distribution 

2.       Set JENA_HOME environment variable and edit 
DSPACE/config/modules/rdf/fuseki-assembler.ttl file and set the “triplestore” 
location (for example, tdb:location "c:/triplestore")

3.       Start the Fuseki server: %JENA_HOME%\fuseki-server.bat –localhost 

4.       Open a browser and go to http://localhost:3030, select “control panel” 
and the dataset. http://localhost:3030/sparql.tpl

5.       Switch to DSpace and run the “rdfizer” command: DSPACE/bin/dspace 
rdfizer –i <handle>  or dspace rdfizer –convert-all

6.       Go to your browser, access DSpace, browse to an item; in the URL add 
“rdf” before “/handle” and append “/ttl” ( for best results use Chrome 
browser). Example:

I’m running DSpace 6.1 on a Windows server. Adjust paths if you run Linux.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Jose Texier
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:25 AM
To: DSpace Technical Support <>
Subject: [dspace-tech] RDF module does not work

Hello, I am trying to test the RDF module of DSpace 6.1. (the latest version), 
but it does not work for me. When I write http://localhost:8083/rdf/ it says 
that the module does not exist (HTTP Status [404] - [Not Found]) but the XMLUI 
module is working well (http://localhost:8083/xmlui/) .

I already have Apache Fuseki installed, because I'm testing DSpace to start a 
Linked Data project.

After reading the documentation and trying several things, I think it is not 
compiling anything for that module. In the "rdf" folder (in the folder 
"webapps" at Tomcat) only have two folders: "META-INF" and "WEB-INF", there is 
no file.

The documentation read is this:

I attach the files dspace.cfg and rdf.cfg.

Thanks for the help,
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