Or may be this has something to do with another part of ColComFilter.java 
which produces SolrQuery:

item.collections:(col_nls_87 OR col_nls_25523 OR com_nls_22332)

May be they should be separated as

item.collections:(col_nls_87 OR col_nls_25523) and 

or should be combined in one query like

item.collections:(col_nls_87 OR col_nls_25523) OR 


On Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 11:21:07 PM UTC+2, Evgeni Dimitrov wrote:
> May be it works the same in older versions too. I have not checked.
> I want to exclude from OAI the items under two collections and one 
> community.
> I have in xoai.xml filter and condition:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         <!-- Default filter for records returned by OAI-PMH. 
>              By default, return an Item record:
>                 * If it is publicly accessible
>                 * OR it has been withdrawn (in order to display a 
> tombstone record).
>              This filter is used by the default context ([oai]/request).
>         -->
>         <Filter id="defaultFilter">
>             <Definition>
>                 <And>
>                     <LeftCondition>
>                         <Or>
>                             <LeftCondition>
>                                 <Custom ref="itemAccessCondition"/>
>                             </LeftCondition>
>                             <RightCondition>
>                                 <Custom ref="itemWithdrawnCondition"/>
>                             </RightCondition>
>                         </Or>
>                     </LeftCondition>
>                     <RightCondition>
>                         <Not>
>                             <Condition>
>                                 <Custom ref="onepageCondition"/>
>                             </Condition>
>                         </Not>
>                     </RightCondition>
>                 </And>
>             </Definition>
>         </Filter>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         <!-- This condition determines if an Item is in one of the 
> collections.
>         -->
>         <CustomCondition id="onepageCondition">
>             <Class>org.dspace.xoai.filter.ColComFilter</Class>
>             <Configuration>
>                 <list name="collections">
>                     <string>col_nls_87</string>
>                     <string>col_nls_25523</string>
>                     <string>com_nls_22332</string>
>                 </list>
>             </Configuration>
>         </CustomCondition>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and the main part of ColComFilter.java is:
>     public boolean isShown(DSpaceItem item) {
>         if (collectionSpecs == null) {
>             getCollectionSpecs();
>         }
>         for (ReferenceSet rs : item.getSets()) {
>             if (collectionSpecs.contains(rs.getSetSpec())) {
>                 return true;
>             }
>         }
>         return false;
>     }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This works fine for the two collections:
> http://dspace6:8080/oai/request?verb=ListIdentifiers&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=col_nls_87
> http://dspace6:8080/oai/request?verb=ListIdentifiers&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=col_nls_25523
> return <error code="noRecordsMatch"
> But it works differently for the community:
> http://dspace6:8080/oai/request?verb=ListIdentifiers&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=com_nls_22332
> returns a lot of identifiers:
> completeListSize="3731"  (which is the size of the community)
> and many entries like:
> <header>
> <identifier>oai:dspace6:nls/27837</identifier>
> <datestamp>2017-12-14T09:52:31Z</datestamp>
> <setSpec>com_nls_22332</setSpec>
> <setSpec>com_nls_94</setSpec>
> <setSpec>col_nls_26938</setSpec>
> </header>
> But for everyone of the identifiers in the list (I tried 20) the request
> http://dspace6:8080/oai/request?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:dspace6:nls/27837
> returns <error code="idDoesNotExist"
> So that first OAI returns the ID in the list and second it says "the ID 
> does not exist". The second part I expected because I want to exclude all 
> items under this community. But the first part - the non empty list of IDs 
> was unexpected.
> Is there an explanation of this or is this a defect in OAI?

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