Hi ,

I'm using DSpace-CRIS 5.8, and I want to list different entity's fields in 
the global search panel and cris entities' box , like in the global search 
panel list the crisprize.prizename and 

crisprize.prizedescribe , in the Orgunit's box like Peoples Prize , list 
the crisrp.fullname and crisrp.obtainprize.prizename?

According to the technology documents , I found the list in globe search 
panel should config in the discovery.xml , maybe the defaultFilterQueries 
property , so I try to add the 

relation OUvsPrize in the relationpreference.xml and set the query value 
crisrp.dept , changed 

in the dspace.config ,  and change the defaultFiterQueries property's value 
to crisprize.prizename and crisprize.prizedescribe , but after I changed it 
I didn't  get the result I want , 

the box list what I want , but the global search panel list nothing, so 
what is the correct way ? Or what relation documents I should read ?

Maybe some advice?

Thanks a lot !

[image: global search.png] <about:invalid#zClosurez>

<about:invalid#zClosurez>[image: panel.png] <about:invalid#zClosurez>global 
search panel and list fields. <about:invalid#zClosurez>

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