
Thanks again for your help.  Can you confirm that in this screenshot, the 
UUID is the 'Item Internal ID' value?  We just want to make sure!

[image: Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 9.29.06 AM.png]


On Monday, May 13, 2019 at 4:29:43 PM UTC-4, Gabriel Galson wrote:
> Group- 
> How exactly do UUIDs work in DSpace?  Specifically, how can I find an 
> item's UUID?  I don't see anything about this in the documentation, other 
> than on this page from 2010 
> <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/PersistentIdentifiers+Requirements>.
> I've been told by Symplectic Elements (which we've connected to our DSpace) 
> that they use an item's UUID, rather than its Handle, to synch the two 
> systems, however, I can't figure out what exactly they're referring to.  
> Any help or insight would be much appreciated.  Thanks!
> -Gabe 

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