I’m looking to add local schema metadata to existing items. From my readings 
this doesn’t seem possible. First I looked at using ItemUpdate to update the 
metadata, but according to 
 it only does metadata fields defined in dublin_core.xml. Then I thought of 
using batch metadata editing, but 
https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC6x/Batch+Metadata+Editing under file 
structure says that the fields need to be Dublin core. My searches for related 
posts came up empty. I do know that importing a new item with the local fields 
is working, but I’m not sure I can think of another way to import the local 
schema with just metadata. Think I have to resort to removing the items and 
importing them as “new” objects? Admittedly, this is my fallback position 
anyway, because I fear there is a chance that simply editing the metadata won’t 
trigger the embargo code, so I’d have to reimport the objects anyway, since 
that is proven working.



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