>I disagree.  There is a fair amount of code in the curation system 
>specifically to implement attachment of curation tasks to workflows.


Thank you for the correction! I totally forgot this section in the
documentation, because we use the tasks mostly for manually processes.

Kind regards,

Paul Münch

Am 05.12.19 um 15:47 schrieb Mark H. Wood:
> On Thu, Dec 05, 2019 at 12:40:04PM +0100, Paul Münch wrote:
>> in our submission process we add metadata automatically. I don't think
>> that the curation tasks are intended for that.
> I disagree.  There is a fair amount of code in the curation system
> specifically to implement attachment of curation tasks to workflows.
> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC5x/Curation+System#CurationSystem-Inworkflow
>> Am 25.11.19 um 12:36 schrieb Flavien M:
>>> I am currently trying to configure the input form.
>>> I would like that at the end of the entry of an item some fields are
>>> filled automatically.
>>> Examples:
>>> - dc.redaction.author: automatically put the name of the user who just
>>> typed the item;
>>> - dc.redaction.datecreation: automatically set today's date.
>>> If I understand correctly, in DSpace the way to reach my goal is to
>>> use the curation tasks.
>>> I created a
>>> "/dspace/modules/additions/src/main/java/org/dspace/myproject/curate/AddMetadata.java"
>>> task.
>>> But I did not understand how to activate this task.
>>> Here are my questions:
>>> - How to enable this task to run automatically at the end of an item?
>>> - How to retrieve the name of the active user (the one who is
>>> entering) in the task?
>>> - How to retrieve the date of the day in the task?
>>> I use DSpace 5.10 and XMLUI.
> How to attach a task to a workflow step:  see the link above.
> How to retrieve the name of the active user:  I am not sure what user
> this is.  The EPerson who submitted the item should be obtainable
> using Item.getSubmitter().  The EPerson who is in the current workflow
> step would, as Paul Münch said, be in the request, but that may not be
> available in a task.  (If it is not, we should fix that.)
> How to retrieve the date:  which date?  The date of submission 
> should be in the metadata field dc.date.submitted.  The current date
> is of course obtainable from java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar.

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