Hi folks

Quick one to see if anyone has a similar use case. I've got a v6 dspace 
installation, and I need the solr exposed so that receiving websites can 
work with its data. 
On the old version, which was a v1.8.1 with old-school SOLR, I could define 
the solr web app twice in config, once as localhost, and once under a URL. 
I suspect it is not as simple as "I could define it as many times as I 
want" though- there may be something governing this from outside.

When I do this in v6...

If I disable the localhost config, discovery does not take place in dspace, 
so that's a non-starter (but I CAN use the solr admin panel, and my 
receiving websites work).

If I define it in both places, attempts to access the solr data through the 
admin panel fail due to lockout (see below). Clearing write locks from the 
index has no effect, I should mention!

*SolrCore Initialization Failures*
Index locked for write for core search
Index locked for write for core oai
Index locked for write for core authority
Index locked for write for core statistics

The basic server.xml hosts (solr only for clarity) look like this. 

       <Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps"
            unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
       <Context path="/solr" docBase="/home/lib/dspace/dspace/webapps/solr" 
reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false" allowLinking="true"/>

      <Host name="test.collectionsmanager.is.ed.ac.uk"  appBase="webapps"
            unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
        <!--<Context path="/solr" 
docBase="/home/lib/dspace/dspace/webapps/solr" reloadable="true" 
cachingAllowed="false" allowLinking="true"/>-->
        <Context path="/solr" 
docBase="/home/lib/dspace/dspace/webapps/solr" reloadable="true" 
cachingAllowed="false" allowLinking="true">
              <Parameter name="LocalHostRestrictionFilter.localhost" 
value="false" override="false" />
              <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" 
(without LocalHostRestrictionFilter set, I could not even see the solr 
admin panel)
discovery.cfg has the defaults (
##### Search Indexing #####

discovery.search.server = ${solr.server}/search

local.cfg has the default

solr.server = http://localhost:8080/solr

Obviously the old and new solrconfig.xml files are very different, but it 
looks as though the old uses simple as lockType, and the new uses native. 
Both have unlockOnStartup set to false.

There will be a config permutation that works, I'm sure, but I've not found 
it yet!


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