Good day. 

Running DSpace-Cris 6.3 on Ubuntu.  

We are running into an internal error once the following action is 
performed on any Researcher's Profile.   We selected the Manage 
Publications option from the Edit Researcher Page drop down menu box.  Here 
it gives you the permission to Show or Hide publications from your 
researcher profile.  I have attached a screenshot of this page.  As soon as 
you click on the actions letters to show or hide (change state) of the 
publications and want to save, an internal error is shown.  

Error in the log file:

:session_id=94875D38E9DF575F9C3147183D743E9E:internal_error:-- URL Was: 
-- Method: POST
-- Parameters were:
-- relation_management_searchTable_length: "10"
-- orderedSelected: "13332a10-abbb-490e-bb42-4dccbe2afb10"
-- submit_save: "Submit"

org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing 
failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: 
failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: 
org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject.handles, could not initialize proxy - no 

Any assistance on this matter will be greatly appreciated.  Every other 
aspect of the system is working well. 


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