Hello DSpace Community,

I have limited experience collecting stats information from DSpace as
needed for library reporting.  I use SOLR for this purpose.

I'd like to do more advanced querying.  For instance, I'd like to query the
database for all items with a particular subject.  I'd like the data to
return id and other fields.  I'd like it to be in CSV format (which I know
I can do with a parameter).  I know I can do a subject search for this
data, but I'm looking for a way to produce it as an export.

Can anyone recommend a good source for help/guidance in building SOLR
queries with/without DSpace data?  I know there is a gui through SOLR
admin, so maybe even a good source for working with this tool?

Thank you for your assistance!


Sarah Butash

she / her

Library Systems Analyst, OU Libraries

Kresge Library, Room 227

100 Library Drive, Rochester, MI  48309-4479

Phone: 248-370-2368

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