Hello Chris,

You dropped a vital piece of information about the Linux flavor you are 
using so I'm assuming a Debian derivative. It's better to start a fresh 
Solr installation by removing the old Solr installation and following the 
steps you see below.

a) mkdir /build
b) cd /build
c) wget https://downloads.apache.org/lucene/solr/8.11.1/solr-8.11.1.tgz
d) tar xzf solr-8.11.1.tgz solr-8.11.1/bin/install_solr_service.sh 
e) vi ./install_solr_service.sh # You need to change SOLR_USER=solr to 
SOLR_USER=tomcat in /etc/default/install_solr_service.sh file. tomcat is 
the user which has write permission over dspace folder if not replace 
tomcat with the user you picked for dspace.
f) bash ./install_solr_service.sh solr-8.11.1.tgz
g) vi /etc/default/solr.in.sh # You need to add dspace folders in Solr 
allowed paths.
h) cp -r /opt/dspace/solr/* /var/solr/data/ # Do this step after installing 
dspace. You need to change /opt/dspace to the folder you installed dspace 
i) chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/solr/data/ # You need to change the user and 
the group if it differs from the user and group you chose for dspace.
j) systemctl enable solr
k) systemctl restart solr

*** You might fall into this issue at a later stage. Running 
/opt/dspace/bin/dspace solr-reindex-statistics for the first time will 
complain with the error message you see below but running it again will 
complete successfully ( I think the error shows up because of the existence 
of /opt/dspace/solr/statistics/core.properties file which gets deleted at 
the first run) .  Maybe Tim can shed some light on this.
### error message ### Could not create a new core in 
/opt/dspace/solr/statistics as another core is already defined there ### 
end of error message ###

######## Steps to uninstall Solr on Ubuntu manually ##########
systemctl stop solr
rm -r /var/solr
rm -r /opt/solr-8.x.x
rm -r /opt/solr
rm /etc/init.d/solr
deluser --remove-home solr
deluser --group solr
update-rc.d -f solr remove
rm -rf /etc/default/solr.in.sh

On Monday, December 20, 2021 at 5:49:39 PM UTC+3 DSpace Technical Support 

> Hi Chris,
> The 'solr' user should be created by default when installing Apache Solr.  
> In any case, Apache Solr recommends *not* running Solr as root.  Instead, 
> they recommend creating a "solr" user (it could be named something else if 
> you want) to install Solr under.  
> See this Apache guide for taking Solr to production for more information: 
> https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_1/taking-solr-to-production.html#create-the-solr-user
>  That guide is also linked to from the main "Installing Solr" instructions 
> in the "Preparing for Installation" section: 
> https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_1/installing-solr.html#preparing-for-installation
> Hopefully that helps explain things better!
> Tim
> On Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 11:16:07 AM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>> I have Solr 8.11.1 extracted to /opt/solr-8.11.1 . The command line 
>> example (provided in the Apache Foundation quick start instructions), 
>>  ./bin/solr start -e cloud , produces a 'welcome' message.
>> Step #13 of the DSpace 7.x installation page instructs me to copy dspace 
>> configsets to the installed Solr directory. (Fine.)
>> The second part of step #13 is telling me to change the group/owner of 
>> these configsets to 'solr':
>> chown -R solr:solr /opt/solr-8.11.1/server/solr/configsets
>> What group/user solr is this? It is not defined anywhere that I can find, 
>> and the Apache Foundation doesn't mention it anywhere I can see or 
>> understand.
>> Right now, the entire Solr directory is group and user owned by 
>> root:root. My DSpace operating system user will be 'tomcat'.
>> Please explain how and why I should use this 'solr' user and group. Thanks

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