Thanks for revisiting this! There is detail here which I have never seen, 
especially step e) . I will probably attempt a removal/re-installation of 
Solr in a few hours. Here is the results of my status checks, using curl:
root@media:~# curl http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores
root@media:~# curl http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=STATUS

... I don't see any DSpace names mentioned in these returns, so I am 
guessing there is an issue here.

On Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 7:41:15 AM UTC-5 Mohammad S. AlMutairi 

> A lot of newcomers who want to try DSpace specially non-technical people 
> do face an issue installing Solr for DSpace. The DSpace Solr installation 
> portion doesn't cover specific details about any Linux OS so to make things 
> easier for the folks who are using Ubuntu I'm posting a detailed 
> instructions how Solr should be installed on Ubuntu in a hope someone who 
> deserve helping save his time and get Solr up and running in no time. See 
> Solr installation steps and also the removal of solr if you ever need to 
> remove it below. Hope it doesn't fire back as it did not long time ago!.
> ##################################### Solr Installation 
> #####################################
> # set a password for the root user.
> sudo passwd root
> # login with root to start solr installation.
> su - root
> a) mkdir /build
> b) cd /build
> c) wget
> d) tar xzf solr-8.11.1.tgz solr-8.11.1/bin/ 
> --strip-components=2
> e) perl -i -pe 's/SOLR_USER=solr/SOLR_USER=tomcat/;' 
> /build/
> f) bash ./ solr-8.11.1.tgz -f
> g) echo SOLR_OPTS=\"\$SOLR_OPTS 
> -Dsolr.allowPaths=/opt/dspace/solr/statistics,/opt/dspace/temp/solr-data\" 
> >> /etc/default/
> h) cp -r /opt/dspace/solr/* /var/solr/data/ # Do this step after 
> installing dspace backend (REST API server). You need to change /opt/dspace 
> to the folder you installed dspace backend into.
> i) chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/sol*
> j) chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/solr/data/
> k) systemctl enable solr
> l) systemctl restart solr
> # Run curl as you see it below to test Solr and check the status of dspace 
> cores you copied in step (h) above. Dspace cores names you should see and 
> see it's data are (authority, oai, search and statistics).
> curl http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores
> curl http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=STATUS
> ################################# End of Solr Installation 
> ##################################
> ######################### Steps to manually uninstall Solr from Ubuntu 
> ######################
> # You need to login with root.
> # login with root to remove old solr installation from your server.
> su - root
> 1) systemctl stop solr
> 2) rm -r /var/solr
> 3) rm -r /opt/sol*
> 4) rm /etc/init.d/solr
> 5) deluser --remove-home solr
> 6) deluser --group solr
> 7) update-rc.d -f solr remove
> 8) rm -rf /etc/default/
> ############################# End of Solr Removal instructions 
> ##############################
> "When the sage points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger"

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