On Mon, Feb 07, 2022 at 07:32:01AM -0800, Mohammad S. AlMutairi wrote:
> On Monday, February 7, 2022 at 4:14:26 PM UTC+3 Mark H. Wood wrote:
> > The three processes (dspace-server-webapp, dspace-angular, solr) 
> > interact only through network connections. They do not need direct 
> > access to each others' files, and I would argue that they *should 
> > not* have direct access to each others' files. 
> >
> > One does not even need to run these processes on the same server.
> >
> Thanks for the rich information comment Mark. It seems you are running a 
> different flavor of Linux not the Ubuntu. You need to try installing Dspace 
> & Solr on a Ubuntu server to see what the users complains were all about. 
> here is 
> one https://groups.google.com/g/dspace-tech/c/z2N2BBBiu2E/m/dJyaLMZoCwAJ

Well, Ubuntu Focal has Solr in its package repository, but it's a
decade old, so Ubuntu is one of the distro.s on which you need to do
the installation manually.  That means you'll need to create a user to
run it, very like Gentoo which I use.

I called that user 'solr'.  I unpacked the Solr v8 files in
/opt/solr-8, created /var/solr-8 to hold the configuration and cores,
created /etc/solr-8 to hold the solr.in.sh and log4j2.xml, created
/var/log/solr-8 to hold the logs, and edited solr.in.sh to set
appropriately.  I set the /var/lib/solr-8 directory and contents to be
owned by 'solr'.  I created an initscript (Ubuntu will need a "system
unit" or some such) to start /opt/solr-8/bin/solr as user 'solr'
running in ${SOLR_HOME}, with SOLR_INCLUDE set to
'/etc/solr-8/solr.in.sh' and passing options '-p 8983 -s
${SOLR_HOME}'.  Much of this is what one does for any daemon that
isn't in the package manager.

At that point Solr should start and run, with no cores.  I created a
directory ${SOLR_HOME}/ds7 and copied the DSpace 7 empty cores to
there, setting them owned by 'solr'.  (You can put the cores directly
into ${SOLR_HOME} but I like to keep related cores organized this

With reference to the dspace-tech discussion linked above:  I don't
know where Solr is getting that path '/dspace/solr/statistics'.  We
would need to see how Solr is configured at that site.  Assuming that
DSpace is installed at '/dspace', then '/dspace/solr/*' should have
been copied into ${SOLR_HOME} and the copies set owned by the user
that runs Solr.  The copies in '/dspace' are just templates, and are
not referenced by DSpace or Solr in use.

Setting up dspace-angular follows the same pattern, with details as
needed by nodejs:  create a user to run node; put the package's files
in some place that makes sense to you such as '/opt/dspace-v7-fe';
create a directory to hold the logs such as '/var/log/ds7'; write a
startup file appropriate to your OS, passing environment properties
and options as needed; set file ownership appropriately.  Debian
(thus, presumably, Ubuntu) packages a fairly recent 'nodejs' so
installing that is simple.  (Hmmm:  Focal is still packaging node v10
which is pretty old.  Raspbian Bullseye packages v14.  I haven't got
an Impish instance to check.  Gentoo packages v14.17.6 so that's what
I'm using.)

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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