The issue you are facing is because port 4000 is already been used by 
another process. The process using port 4000 can be a previous frontend 
session ( which is what is expected ) or it can be any other service that 
is running on your server and configured to use port 4000. if it's the 
later then you must configure dspace frontend to use another unused port 
but if it was a previous node process you can just kill it using ( kill -9 
PID-NUMBER ) after finding the process PID using  ( ss -nlp | grep :4000 ) 
and then just start the frontend service using  ( yarn serve:ssr  ).

You can use this method too if the previous node session was run using pm2:
1) pm2 kill
2) yarn serve:ssr

Or this method which should always work for you but you have to be root 
when you run it:
1) sudo passwd root
2) su - root
3) kill -9 $(lsof -t -i :4000)
4) cd [dspace-angular]
5) yarn serve:ssr

[image: 2022-03-14_12-24-49.png]
On Monday, March 14, 2022 at 6:14:44 AM UTC+3 wrote:

> Lamentablemente me apareció un error similar al ejecutar (yarn serve:ssr) 
> después de haber ejecutado a) y b) en la ruta
> /dspace-angular/config
> aquí un pedazo de código que se mostró en el terminal como 30 segundos 
> aproximadamente 
> rRefCode=16*this.charRefCode+cp-55:isAsciiLowerHexDigit(cp)?this.charRefCode=16*this.charRefCode+cp-87:isAsciiDigit(cp)?this.charRefCode=16*this.charRefCode+cp-48:cp===$.SEMICOLON?this.state="NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END_STATE":(this._err(ERR.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference),this._reconsumeInState("NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END_STATE"))}DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE(cp){isAsciiDigit(cp)?this.charRefCode=10*this.charRefCode+cp-48:cp===$.SEMICOLON?this.state="NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END_STATE":(this._err(ERR.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference),this._reconsumeInState("NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END_STATE"))}NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END_STATE(){if(this.charRefCode===$.NULL)this._err(ERR.nullCharacterReference),this.charRefCode=$.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER;else
> if(this.charRefCode>1114111)t......................................
> Error: listen EADDRNOTAVAIL: address not available midominio:4000
>     at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (node:net:1313:21)
>     at listenInCluster (node:net:1378:12)
>     at doListen (node:net:1516:7)
>     at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask 
> (/home/repositorio/dspace-angular/dist/server/main.js:3:3858915)
>     at Zone.runTask 
> (/home/repositorio/dspace-angular/dist/server/main.js:3:3851480)
>     at ZoneTask.invokeTask 
> (/home/repositorio/dspace-angular/dist/server/main.js:3:3860500)
>     at ZoneTask.options.useG.invoke 
> (/home/repositorio/dspace-angular/dist/server/main.js:3:3860329)
>     at data.args.<computed> 
> (/home/repositorio/dspace-angular/dist/server/main.js:3:3881412)
>     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21)
> Emitted 'error' event on Server instance at:
>     at emitErrorNT (node:net:1357:8)
>     at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask 
> (/home/repositorio/dspace-angular/dist/server/main.js:3:3858915)
>     [... lines matching original stack trace ...]
>     at data.args.<computed> 
> (/home/repositorio/dspace-angular/dist/server/main.js:3:3881412)
>     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) 
> {
>   code: 'EADDRNOTAVAIL',
>   errno: -99,
>   syscall: 'listen',
>   address: 'midominio',
>   port: 4000
> }
> error Command failed with exit code 1.
> info Visit for documentation about 
> this command.
> El domingo, 13 de marzo de 2022 a las 12:59:00 UTC-5, Mohammad S. 
> AlMutairi escribió:
>> I think you forgot to stop the frontend service before you start the 
>> compiling again. To resolve it do one of the commands you see below and 
>> then just the frontend with ( yarn serve:ssr ).
>> a) pm2 kill
>> b) kill -9 $(lsof -t -i :4000)

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