Dear All Friends,
I am installing Dspace 7 on cloud server Ubuntu 22.04. I am facing a
problem to starting solr:
when I run the command :
root@repository:~# cd /opt
root@repository:/opt# su dspace
$ /opt/solr/bin/solr start
The currently defined JAVA_HOME (”/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64”)
to a location where Java could not be found.  Aborting.
Either fix the JAVA_HOME variable or remove it from the
environment so that the system PATH will be searched.

*While I am following the instruction as:*
Solr Installation

Solr is an open-source search platform, written in Java. Its major features
include full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, real-time
indexing, dynamic clustering, database integration, NoSQL features, and
rich document handling.

Download the Solr software package from the website and save it to the opt
folder in the operating system.

Enter into the /opt folder.

*cd /opt*

Download the Solr (version 8) package using the following command line,

*sudo wget

Rename the Zip file,

*sudo mv\?action\=download*

Unzip the package,

*sudo unzip*

Rename Solr directory

*sudo mv solr-8.11.1 solr*

Downloaded Solr ZIP files not required, delete it,

*sudo rm*

Apply the following command to check Solr directory available at /opt


Change the folder permission to Dspace user,

*sudo chown -R dspace:dspace solr*

Check whether the folder permission changed or not.

*ls -la*

Login to the dspace user account to start Solr.

*su dspace*

Start Solr by applying the command,

*/opt/solr/bin/solr start*
Please may anyone guide me how to reslove this error?

With kindest regards,
*Nadeem Sohail*
Learning Resource Center (LRC)
University of Management &Technology, Sialkot Campus
Office Ph: +92 523575234-6 Ext. 118

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