
We will soon be modifying the theme in our DSpace 7.4 environment.  In
DSpace 5.11, I could make a theme/UI change, bounce the tomcat server and
the change would be in our live environment.  I'm looking for the way to
make changes in this way for 7.4. We work on a Linux server without an
IDE.  For DSpace 7.4, I notice that in the Getting Started Demo, the
presenter keeps recompiling to commit UI changes (header, footer, etc). He
mentions running a yarn:start command.  What is that compiling? The whole
DSpace instance? the UI?

This may seem like a very novice question.  I'm just trying to get my head
around this new UI.

Thanks so much!


Sarah Butash

she / her

Library Systems Analyst, OU Libraries

Kresge Library, Room 227

100 Library Drive, Rochester, MI  48309-4479

Phone: 248-370-2368

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