I wanted to warn you that bitstore.xml might have your Amazon awsAccessKey, 
awsSecretKey, and bucketName so remove them if you are going to send the 
files or you can take it from here and move your missing assetstore to the 
server filesystem and follow the usual upgrade procedure.

On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:32:28 PM UTC+3 Mohammad S. AlMutairi 

> Please forget AIP and SAF.
> Can you get me privately a copy of local.cfg, dspace.cfg and  
> [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml .. You can remove anything private 
> data you think is worth removing ( database password, domain ..etc ).
> You need to read this: 
> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC6x/Storage+Layer#StorageLayer-ConfiguringtheBitstreamStore
> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:09:15 PM UTC+3 jesse...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks, Mr. ALMutairi, but no luck with that. 
>> Surprisingly the old Dspace 6.2 server does not have any assetstore 
>> folder, but the repository is working somehow. I checked the assetstore 
>> location from the config file too, but, it's all on default, Searched for 
>> other installation locations, but found nothing. Actually, this server was 
>> installed long back by someone, who left the organization later. So this 
>> old DSpace server was left unattended for quite a long time. 
>> I created a test server with Dspace 6.2 with the same config, and tried 
>> restoring with AIP and SAF on it, Still got the same problems. AIP commands 
>> throws error
>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Could not find a parent 
>> DSpaceObject referenced as '32116/180' in the METS Manifest for object 
>> hdl:32116/181. A parent DSpaceObject must be specified from either the 
>> 'packager' command or noted in the METS Manifest itself. 
>> and SAF import works only till it encounters an item that is part of 
>> another collection, then it gives an error saying 
>> Notice
>> Import failed
>> Attempted to create a handle which is already in use: 32116/2483
>> On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 6:25:01 PM UTC+5:30 alo...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hello  Rupinder,
>>> You really don't have to use SAF or AIP for this migration since you own 
>>> both systems ( old & new ). Both should work but It's time consuming and 
>>> sometimes flaky. There is a faster and a shorter path. Try it and let us 
>>> know in the list if you still need more help. I'll walk you through.
>>> 1) Dump the old database in a binary format ( pg_dump -Fc dspace > 
>>> dspace-6x.sql ) and copy it along with the old assetstore to the new server.
>>> 2) su - posgres
>>> 3) Restore the database into the new server using ( pg_restore -v -c -d 
>>> dspace dspace-6x.sql ). You might need to run ( [dspace]/bin/dspace 
>>> database clean ) first and for this to work you need to add 
>>> ( db.cleanDisabled=false ) at the top of ( [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg ) and 
>>> no need to restart tomcat.
>>> 4) exit
>>> 5) Run [dspace]/bin/dspace database migrate ignored
>>> 6) Check [dspace]/bin/dspace status & info
>>> 7) [dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator
>>> 8) Copy the old assetstore folder to where it should be in the new 
>>> server [dspace]/assetstore
>>> 9) Chown -R tomcat:tomcat [dspace]
>>> 10) systemctl restart tomcat & finally check if everything is O.K.
>>> ** You can if you need to or have to dump the database in a text format 
>>> and run search and replace on it for anything ( old domain and URL's that 
>>> has xmlui in it comes in mind ). Do it after finishing step 3 above.
>>> a) su - postgres
>>> b) Dump the databse in text format ( pg_dump -c dspace > 
>>> dspace-migrated.sql )
>>> c) Search and replace using ( sed, awk, perl, vi or any text edit you 
>>> feel comfortable with ).
>>> d) Restore it ( cat dspace.sql | psql -d dspace < dspace-migrated.sql )
>>> Good luck
>>> On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 7:11:11 AM UTC+3 jesse...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Can someone please help me with this? 
>>>> I am planning for migration and am stuck on this. AIP backup and 
>>>> restore are of no use because it throws too many errors. I found SAF to be 
>>>> simple and reliable, but the only problem is with these conflicts of items 
>>>> appearing in multiple collections. 
>>>> Please help 
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Rupinder Singh
>>>> On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 3:37:15 PM UTC+5:30 Rupinder Singh 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I have a problem with SAF, as I am Migrating from Dspace 6.2 to DSpace 
>>>>> 7.4. I exported my collections from DSpace 6.2, But as I upload the SAF 
>>>>> items to my Dspace 7.4 everything goes ok, Except for the items which are 
>>>>> part of multiple collections. The import process exists with an error 
>>>>> saying that the Item/Handle Already Exists. 
>>>>> How can I resolve this conflict? There are many items that appear is 
>>>>> more than one collection in my existing Dspace 6.2.

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