
The REST API must be available via a public IP address if you plan to make 
the User Interface available via a public IP address.  Keep in mind the 
user interface runs in a user's browser... which means the user's browser 
MUST be able to contact your REST API.  In other words, if the UI is public 
then the REST API must be public.  The REST API can only use localhost if 
the UI is also using localhost.

A 500 error generally means the frontend cannot communicate with the 
backend. See our common installation 

You also should be aware of the troubleshooting guide, as it's a good way 
to debug issues and determine what the cause may be: 


On Friday, May 5, 2023 at 11:38:04 AM UTC-5 protoste...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi everyone, i hope you are well.  i am facing with a problem to access to 
> dspace front end 7.5.
> i have a dspace server runing properly accessing through 
> http://localhost:4000
> and everything works fine.
> Now the goal is to access the UI through a local IP (LAN) of the computer 
> that contains both the front end and the back end. For example, to enter 
> the UI I would like to put: (where 
> is the IP address of the computer that contains the front end and the back 
> end)
> As default in the backend  (in local.cfg)  UI set as:
> dspace.ui.url = http://localhost:4000
> I would like the UI URL to have address:
> so i open the local.cfg and i edit it, now the ip address for my UI is:
> dspace.ui.url =
> After making changes to the local.cfg file, i have to re-run mvn package 
> command in the ~/dspace-backend directory as well as the ant update command
> in the ~/dspace-backend/dspace/target/dspace-installer directory. 
> then, i go to cd ~/dspace-frontend/config
> and i edit the config.prod.yml
> the file looks like this:
> ui:
>   ssl: false
>   host:
>   port: 4000
>   # NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in 
> TypeScript
>   nameSpace: /
>   # The rateLimiter settings limit each IP to a 'max' of 500 requests per 
> 'windowMs' (1 minute).
>   rateLimiter:
>     windowMs: 60000 # 1 minute
>     max: 500 # limit each IP to 500 requests per windowMs
>   # Trust X-FORWARDED-* headers from proxies (default = true)
>   useProxies: true
> ------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------
> # The REST API server settings
> # NOTE: these settings define which (publicly available) REST API to use. 
> They are usually
> # 'synced' with the 'dspace.server.url' setting in your backend's 
> local.cfg.
> rest:
>   ssl: true
>   host: localhost
>   port: 8080
>   # NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in 
> TypeScript
>   nameSpace: /server
> ------------------------------------------
> after edit this file, i have to restart the yarn trhough:
> yarn build:prod
> everything goes well and completes succesfully. 
> then start the pm2 with:
> pm2 start dspace-ui.json
> and when i try to access to the front end through
> i get the error:
> 500. Service Unavailable. The server is temporarily unable to service your 
> request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems.
> maybe the error is something in the config on the back or the front end?
> Any kind of help is welcome. thank you very much 

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