If I dare to implement this transformation ("Name Surname" -> "Surname, 
Name") myself, what would you suggest? To do it in Angular or in the 


понедељак, 18. децембар 2023. у 11:10:52 UTC+1 Milos Ivanovic је написао/ла:

> Dear All,
> I need some help regarding processing metadata imported from CrossRef (and 
> probably other sources). After "Import metadata from external source", the 
> Author fields (which map to dc.contributor.author) are filled properly, 
> however in the form *"First_name, Last_name"*. This is not the way 
> *"Last_name, 
> First_name"* we store them in the Solr cache and how ORCID sees them. 
> Is trere a way to change this behavior (filter etc.) in config only? If 
> no, which part of the core should I look at? I know for the wiki, but 
> additional insight by an expert would be more than welcome.
> Thanks in advance.
> Milos

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