
I am trying to install/configure DSpace-CRIS 7 as a private test instance. While REST-backend and UI seem to work in general I cannot "deposit" any items to a collection. When trying such the UI prints the error message "There was an issue when submitting the item, please try again later."

INFO 9bc0f643-11cb-4799-a6f3-2e295699c904 6bc30d29-fb62-4ba5-89ad-be95b56773c5 org.dspace.app.rest.utils.DSpaceAPIRequestLoggingFilter @ Before request [POST /server/api/workflow/workflowitems] originated from /workspaceitems/9/edit

ERROR 9bc0f643-11cb-4799-a6f3-2e295699c904 6bc30d29-fb62-4ba5-89ad-be95b56773c5 org.dspace.app.rest.converter.AInprogressItemConverter @ An error occurs checking if the given item is a correction item.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Relationship type isCorrectionOfItem does not exist at org.dspace.versioning.ItemCorrectionService.lambda$findRelationshipType$1(ItemCorrectionService.java:173) 48) [classes/:cris-2023.02.01] at ...

It could be the same problem described here
and probably here

I am unsure if something is broken in my setup or if there are further configuration or initialization steps I have to do.

I chose to setup DSpace-CRIS (2023.02.01) with docker-compose. I recently had success in setting up a bare DSpace 7 instance following instructions at https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACE/Try+out+DSpace+7 so I hoped to get a equally nice CRIS-demo instance.

After building the docker images and starting backend and UI I added a user and followed the 5 steps mentioned in the "Getting started" section of the PDF-documentation (https://github.com/4Science/DSpace/releases/download/dspace-cris-2023.02.01/dspace-cris-2023.02.01.pdf , page 14).

The last step printed following warnings(?) about the layout configuration:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yml run --rm dspace-cli cris-layout-tool -f /dspace/etc/conftool/cris-layout-configuration.xls
Creating dspace-cris_dspace-cli_run ... done
The script has started
The tab with name organizations and entity type OrgUnit in the row 9 of sheet tab is not present in the tab2box sheet The box with name orgcard and entity type OrgUnit in the row 20 of sheet box is not present in the tab2box sheet The box with name projectcard and entity type Project in the row 26 of sheet box is not present in the tab2box sheet
The given workbook is valid. Proceed with the import
The workbook has been parsed correctly, found 24 tabs to import
Proceed with the clearing of the previous layout
Found 24 tabs to delete
The previous layout has been deleted, proceed with the import of the new configuration
Import completed successfully
The script has completed

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
Matthias Häsing-Keller

Matthias Häsing-Keller (er/ihm; he/him)

Universität Mannheim
Digitale Bibliotheksdienste | Schloss Schneckenhof West | 68131 Mannheim

Tel: +49 621 181-3205
E-Mail: matthias.haesing-kel...@uni-mannheim.de
Web: www.bib.uni-mannheim.de

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