
I have installed the Docker demo Dspace to get to know the app. When I call 
dspacetest.example.com:4000, I get “Invalid Host header”. The logs show 
that it can’t serve dspace-angular because: No matching DirectoryIndex 
(index.html,index.php,index.php) found, and server-generated directory 
index forbidden by Options directive.

 Here’s my conf file:

 <VirtualHost *:80>

             ServerAdmin yln...@example.com

              DocumentRoot /var/www/html/dspace-angular

             ServerName dspacetest.example.com

             <Directory />

                Options FollowSymLinks

                AllowOverride None


             <Directory /var/www/html/dspace-angular/>

                        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews

                        AllowOverride all

                        Order allow,deny

                        allow from all


             ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/dspace_error_log

             LogLevel warn

              CustomLog /var/log/httpd/dspace_access_log combined


 I’ve played around with the Options settings but that didn’t help. I’ve 
checked the DSpace troubleshooting site and previous mailing lists posts 
with no luck.

 What is the correct way to address DSpace in the conf file? I'm on RHEL 8 
if it matters.


Systems Librarian
Yavapai Library Network

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