Just for the sake of completeness: Unfortunately, our search does not work 
as documented here: 

It says here that "Basic searching" corresponds to an AND search, but 
unfortunately this is not the case with us...

Matthias Letsch schrieb am Freitag, 12. April 2024 um 16:10:58 UTC+2:

> Hello there,
> Our quick search form on the homepage and in the navigation bar ist 
> working with a boolean OR operator by default. For example, if I enter the 
> string "Adaptation of model organisms", I get a hit list with over 700 hits 
> because every single entry is listed that contains any of the words 
> "adaptation" OR "of" (!) OR "model" OR "organisms" in any indexed metadata 
> field. I know that there is a publication with a title beginnig exactly 
> with this string, but that hit is not at the top, but hidden somewhere in 
> the middle of a list of otherwise not relevant hits.
> I personally don't find this useful and I don't know who does. When I 
> enter a bunch of words in a "quick search" form, I want exactly the results 
> that contain ALL the terms entered - the results of a search with an AND 
> operator. An OR search should only be available, if at all, as an advanced 
> search option that the user consciously selects.
> So where can I change the behavior of the search and set it accordingly?
> Thank you and kind regards
> Matthias

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