Hello there,

I am currently testing the possibility of providing a wiki (Dokuwiki) on 
the same server to accompany our DSpace. 

The wiki is stored on the DSpace path under /home/dspace/dspace-wiki/wiki, 
and thus next to the DSpace backend folder /home/dspace/dspace-backend/

I have added an alias for /wiki in the Apache2 configuration:

Alias /wiki /home/dspace/dspace-wiki/wiki
<Directory /home/dspace/dspace-wiki/wiki>
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

Also a rewrite condition:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wiki/.*$ [NC]

However, when I call the page [DSpace-URL]/wiki, I still end up on a 404 
page within the Angular front end of DSpace, i.e. Angular is still trying 
to process the subpage, which is outside the Angular framework. 

(With /server/oai, for example, it is my understanding that the page is 
accessed outside of Angular)

By any chance, does anyone have experience with setting up a service in 
parallel to DSpace on the same server and can help me with what I'm missing 
here or what I need to set in order to reach the wiki start page under 
/wiki via the browser?

Thank you and kind regards

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