Dear Tim,

About this, if for example, I am going to use the embedded Tomcat in a 
production server, what would you suggest as the best practice for starting 
the server-boot.jar automatically? Should it be run via crontab at reboot? 
Or as a service? Can you point us to some examples of how to start the 
embedded tomcat upon reboot?

Thanks in advance.

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 5:11:29 AM UTC+8 DSpace Technical Support 

> Hi Chris,
> Yes, that's accurate.  As of DSpace 8, we are able to build the backend 
> (REST API) with Tomcat *embedded*.  This was achieved via Spring Boot 
> (which is the technology that the backend uses) in this PR: 
>   Spring Boot has had this 
> feature for some time, but we've only now figured out how to allow DSpace 
> to utilize it.
> At this point in time, this is a *brand new* option. It is still *one of 
> two options* for installing the backend.  You can choose whether to install 
> Tomcat or not.  There's not a specific recommended approach at this time.
> We also do not yet know if it will be more efficient or conserve 
> resources. It was added as a way to make the installation process easier, 
> but we do not have anyone (that I'm aware of) who has tested this option in 
> terms of efficiency, etc.  In the future, we may make a stronger 
> recommendation for which approach to use. But as of 8.0, we likely will 
> just say "use whichever approach you feel is best for your scenario". 
> Tim
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:52:59 AM UTC-5 Chris Clawson wrote:
>> I am reading that DS 8 includes a runnable JAR (which includes Tomcat) 
>> and using this option ends the requirement to install Tomcat as a separate 
>> prerequisite. Is this now the preferred method?
>> My small server hosts both my Front and Backend. I have limited memory 
>> and the repository is slow to respond. Does this new embedded JAR run more 
>> efficiently or better conserve resources?
>> Please explain more or point me to a discussion..

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