
I gave the following LDAP-Active Directory parameters in Dspace config file for 
LDAP login. 

ldap.enable = true

ldap.provider_url = ldap://staff.main.ntu.edu.sg:389

ldap.id_field = sAMAccountName

ldap.object_context = OU=Users,OU=SCI,DC=staff,DC=main,DC=ntu,DC=edu,DC=sg

ldap.search_context = OU=Users,OU=SCI,DC=staff,DC=main,DC=ntu,DC=edu,DC=sg

ldap.email_field = mail

ldap.surname_field = sn

ldap.givenname_field = givenName

ldap.phone_field = telephoneNumber


These arguments were tested with LDAP Browser except the "ldap.id_field = 
sAMAccountName" field and connection was okay. My user DN from the LDAP browser 
is CN=Jayan Chirayath 
Kurian,OU=Users,OU=SCI,DC=staff,DC=main,DC=ntu,DC=edu,DC=sg. In my AD 
attributes list sAMAccountName corresponds to my campus userid (i.e jayan) and 
cn corresponds to my full name (i.e Jayan Chirayath Kurian). In the Dspace LDAP 
login interface I gave my userid (i.e jayan) and password. The connection is 
refused displaying the following error.

 javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: 
LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 525, vece ]

Since this was not working, LDAPServlet.java file was modified and added in the 
following modifications


  env.put(javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");

env.put(javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "CN=Jayan Chirayath 

env.put(javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password");


This started working when I gave my Campus userid (jayan) and when examined the 
E-people list, it showed my AD details including my email address and phone no. 
I believe LDAP-AD server has authenticated my userid and retrieved the AD 
attributes. But for the next login it accepts any password and is not 
consistent with the original password. I have enabled and disabled 
webui.ldap.autoregister value, but still the password inconsistency remains the 


(1)     Could you please suggest is there a way to rectify the password 
problem. Is it always taking the default password from LDAPServlet.java file.

(2)     Is there any other field that I need to try with ldap.id_field (e.g 
legacyExchangeDN or distinguishedName from AD Attributes list) since my DN is 
CN=Jayan Chirayath Kurian,OU=Users,OU=SCI,DC=staff,DC=main,DC=ntu,DC=edu,DC=sg.

Could any one please suggest regarding what AD attribute to give for the 
ldap.id_field in Dspace config file. 

(3)     Is there a possibility that firewall is denying access through Dspace 
to ldap://staff.main.ntu.edu.sg:389 server even though browser access is fine.






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