Congratulations Michele,

I, for one, think the new site looks great and appreciate the ability 
for everyone add to it.
When the press release is out I hope you'll share it on the mailing 
lists so we'll know
what's coming our way!


> Dear members of the community,
> Today we have officially launched the new foundation, with the  
> support and help of the HP Press Relations team and MIT Library Press  
> ( they did a fantastic job!).  To coincide with the Foundation  
> announcement we have redesigned and launched a new  
> website.  The purpose of redesigning the website was to achieve the  
> following:
> -Give the website broader appeal from those outside or new to the  
> community
> -move it to an opensource platform, called Joomla, so the community  
> can actually add content once they are registered users ( like news/ 
> events/weblinks).
> -Be able to incorporate forums, blogs ect if these become useful to  
> the community.
> The website is in no way intended to replace or duplicate the content  
> on the wiki.  The wiki is the key place for all the developers and  
> interactive users to find the most complete sources of information.   
> The website is just a "lightweight" more organized slice of what the  
> community at large is doing.
> I would welcome any feedback you have, please remember this is a work  
> in progress, and it was produced in the true- start up fashion- on a  
> shoe string budget with a few people putting in very long hours.  In  
> particular I would like to thank Margaret Waters for all her hard  
> work on this.
> If anyone in the community knows Joomla- or is interested in becoming  
> a content producer on any section of the website- let me know and we  
> can set you up with access to do so- in the true open source way!
> regards,
> Michele Kimpton
> Exec Director, DSpace Foundation

MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries

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