> Hello,
> Am 20.07.2007 um 06:50 schrieb Jayan Chirayath Kurian:

>> In the question section,
>> (1)     Enter the TCP/UDP port no this server will listen to [2641]
>> For Q(1), can I give 80. In tomcat server.xml, I have <Connector  
>> port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

> The handle server runs separate from tomcat.
> It will conflict if you try to run it on the same port.
> You will have a hard time to get it running if you change
> all kinds of things compared to the installation guideline
> if you dont even recognize this problem yourself.
> Port 2641 is a reserved port for CNRI.
> Try cat /etc/services | grep 2641 to check yourself.
> I guess the whole system relies on you to be reachable
> from outside on this port. You might use a firewall to
> run the service on one port and expose it to the outside
> on another, but what is it good for? there should not
> be any conflicting services running on this port.
> BTW, did you make sure to run tomcat using commons-daemon
> to avoid running it as root? Remember the rule that ports
> below 1024 are privileged.

>> (2)     What port no will the HTTP interface be listening to [8000]
>> For Q(2), I think I have to give 80

> No, again. You will get unnecessary conflicts that way.
> The http interface is a nice help in testing when setting
> up handle services to make sure that the handle server
> is running and gives useful answers. So if you use 8000
> for something else already, try 8001, 8008, 8080 or 8088
> if you like. 8005 is used for tomcat manager IIRC and
> thus is not available.

>> (3)     Would you like to disable UDP services (y/n) [N]
>> For Q(3), is it fine to disable the UDP service?
> I guess so, but why would you want to? UDP service of
> handle server is not known to be a special security risk,
> no reason to avoid it. How do you want to get help from
> the list if your setup is that different. Others will
> lack experience with this kind of setup and wont be
> able to help you. It can be already tricky with the
> default values.
> Bye, Christian

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