On 10/9/07, Shane Beers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd love to just be able to say "show me these fields, but don't put in
> wacky extra spaces and dashes if the field doesn't have data (or doesn't
> exist) in that item."

My suspicion is that in JSP you're stuck. I ran head-on into the same
problem for the same reason (dissertation advisors erroneously showing
up as authors), and I didn't find a non-major-hacking fix. I thought
at first that it might be possible to do a comma-separated list of
values for webui.itemlist.columns, but after I broke DSpace by trying
it, I learned the error of my ways.

If you can stand it for a few more months, though, I *think* this is
(Subversion issues on the new server. They're supposed to be fixed
now.) Adopt or adapt it at your own risk.

Speaking in meta-pseudocode, Manakin's default author listing on the
item page (search DS-METS-1.0-DIM.xsl for "item-author" to find the
code) does roughly the same thing that JSP does. If there's a
dc.contributor.author, put them first. If there's a dc.creator, put
them. Then add any other dc.contributors regardless of qualifier.

I commented out the final xsl:when (dc.contributor.*, in dspace.cfg
parlance) and added some more table rows to cover my edge-case
contributors (I have translators and advisors; you may have others).
To address the blank-metadata problem, I've been wrapping rows in
<xsl:if> clauses (in meta-pseudocode, "if this piece of metadata
exists, write the row" with its implied "if not, don't"), a technique
I commend to the Manakin developers, because the empty rows look like
a system error, take up screen space unnecessarily, and confuse users.

So each of my new rows looks like this. Be warned; I haven't put keys
in messages.xml yet, but that would be the proper way to do this.

<xsl:if test="$data/dim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'contributor'[EMAIL 
select="$data/dim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'contributor'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'advisor']">
                                <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
test="count(following-sibling::dim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'contributor'[EMAIL 
!= 0">
                                    <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>

As for the browse pages, I think my decision for the time being is
going to be to limit the author field to dc.creator and
dc.contributor.author. Should be fairly easy to do with the techniques
I just outlined.


Dorothea Salo                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Digital Repository Librarian      AIM: mindsatuw
University of Wisconsin
Rm 218, Memorial Library
(608) 262-5493

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