So, after a bunch of testing on our end, I can pretty much decidedly say "I have no idea what's going on."

Every night at 3:00am or so our server reboots, and following this reboot our nightly scripts run. They have typically run filter-media, index-all, and the subscription mailings. We have tested removing the filter-media section of the nightly script and running the index-all as root during the script, in case there was some permissions error taking place.

I ran Luke on our server and checked out the index. Interestingly, the etd_disc index was not available to search against. When I manually ran (as root) index-all in the dspace/bin directory and reloaded the index in Luke, etd_disc was now there.

What I don't understand is that the index is clearly being re-written every night, but the etd_disc index is not being created. This makes no sense, because the nightly script just runs the same index-all that I run manually.

Any ideas?

Shane Beers
Digital Repository Services Librarian
George Mason University

On Oct 15, 2007, at 10:40 AM, Tim Donohue wrote:


That is odd...

Have you double-checked all your log files, to make sure you're not getting any errors underneath after performing a search? So, checking the [dspace]/log/dspace.log and your Tomcat log file (e.g. [tomcat]/logs/catalina.out)

If there's nothing strange in the log files after a search, you may also want to rerun your 'index-all', and check the logs after re- indexing (to make sure the indexer isn't running into strange issues).

If nothing strange is happening in your logs, the next step you could take is to see what Lucene (underlying DSpace search engine) is actually indexing underneath. A good tool for this is Luke ( You can point Luke at your [dspace]/ search/ directory (where the DSpace Lucene Index is), and it will tell you all the documents you have indexed, and let you perform some basic browsing or searches directly against Lucene.

However, I will admit, Luke does not have the *easiest* interface to understand. You'd mostly want to look at the "Documents" tab, to see all the documents Lucene indexed, and see if you can browse- by your custom field.

Hopefully this gives you a few more things to look at. Let us know if you figure out what is going on!

- Tim

Shane Beers wrote:
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, as I would feel pretty dumb if that was the problem) that was just a typo on my own part in the email - not in dspace.cfg
I'm still at a loss...
Shane Beers
Digital Repository Services Librarian
George Mason University
On Oct 12, 2007, at 3:23 AM, Claudia Jürgen wrote:
Hi Shane,

if this is a cut'n paste of your changes you simply got a typo there,
> search.index.13 =

should be
search.index.13 =

sunny greetings


Shane Beers schrieb:
I am having issues with my search results when using the advanced search in our archive. I have added the "thesis" metadata schema to handle ETD documents, and these documents work great normally. I have edited the dspace.cfg to add:
search.index.13 =
Following that, I edited the advanced.jsp in <dspace-source> to add the appropriate element, with the following section in each of the three search box areas: <option value="etd_disc" <%= field1.equals("etd_disc") ? "selected=\"selected\"\"" : "" %>><fmt:message key=""/></option> And then added in the appropriate element in, rebuilt, reindexed and all that. The field appears correctly, but when searching for terms that I know are there, I get no results. Additionally, a strange thing happens when no results are found that does not happen with any other search field - all 3 search boxes switch to "Degree Discipline" (the term I used in This is just something I noticed that may help in a diagnosis. I'm not certain if I'm missing something or not, but I would really like this search index to function correctly.
Shane Beers
Digital Repository Services Librarian
George Mason University
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Tim Donohue
Research Programmer, Illinois Digital Environment for
Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS)
135 Grainger Engineering Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

phone: (217) 333-4648
fax:   (217) 244-7764

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