
Thanks.  I will give that a try.  I thought that I had this nailed, 
but I just shot up to 80% CPU usage again.

At 03:01 PM 10/30/2007, Tim Donohue wrote:
>We had a similar problem to this one in the past (a year or so 
>ago).  I just flat out blocked the IP altogether (not even specific 
>to /bitstream/) via this Apache configuration:
><Location />
>     Order Allow,Deny
>     Deny from {malicious ip}
>     Allow from all
>This looks similar to your config though (except it blocks all 
>access from that IP).
>- Tim
>George Kozak wrote:
>>I am having a problem with an IP that keeps sending thousands of 
>>"GET /bitstream/..." requests for the same item.
>>I have placed the following in my Apache.conf file:
>><Directory /bitstream/>
>>Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
>>AllowOverride All
>>Order allow,deny
>>allow from all
>>deny from {malicious ip}
>>I also placed the following in my server.xml in Tomcat:
>><Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" 
>>deny="xxx\.xxx\.xxx\.xx" />
>>However, this person still seems to be getting through.  My java 
>>process is running from 50%-80% CPU usage.  Does anyone have a good 
>>idea on how to shutout a malicious IP in DSpace?
>>George Kozak
>>Web Development and Management
>>Digital Media Group
>>501 Olin Library
>>Cornell University
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>Tim Donohue
>Research Programmer, Illinois Digital Environment for
>Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS)
>135 Grainger Engineering Library
>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>web:   http://www.ideals.uiuc.edu
>phone: (217) 333-4648
>fax:   (217) 244-7764

George Kozak
Web Development and Management
Digital Media Group
501 Olin Library
Cornell University

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