Hi, all,


We're new to dspace, and we've having some trouble getting LDAP
authentication configured correct with dspace v1.42 running on RHEL5.


Here are the relevant parts of the dspace.cfg file


webui.ldap.autoregister = true

plugin.sequence.org.dspace.eperson.AuthenticationMethod = \



plugin.sequence.org.dspace.eperson.AuthenticationMethod = \



ldap.enable = true

ldap.provider_url = ldaps://ldap.tcu.edu:636

ldap.id_field = sAMAccountName

ldap.object_context = ou=tcu test ou,dc=tcu,dc=edu

ldap.object_context = ou=tcu test ou,dc=tcu,dc=edu

ldap.email_field = mail

ldap.surname_field = sn

ldap.givenname_field = givenName

ldap.phone_field = telephoneNumber



Now when I attempt a logon using LDAP (authenticating against a Win2003
domain), this is what I get in dspace.log:


2007-11-16 21:33:07,924 WARN  org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.LDAPServlet @
javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308:
LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 525,

2007-11-16 21:33:07,924 INFO  org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.LDAPServlet @


It's looking to me like it's trying to do an anonymous bind.  In
searching the net and discussion forums, I'm come away with conflicting
understandings of what dspace does in LDAP authentication.  I think I've
read somewhere that it only does initial anonymous binds, but I also got
the sense that it'll bind with the user it's trying to authenticate.
Can you tell me which is true?

We don't allow anonymous binds, so that'd explain the error above, I
think; is there a way to do the other?


Thanks a ton!  -Lane


Lane Duncan

Texas Christian Unversity


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