
Ok...I'm coming around, and I agree with your argument about forcing 
people to do things the 'right way' in terms of Java programming, and 
also better supporting both UIs.

I'll take some time this week to dig into the 1.5 code and see what a 
change like this would involve.  Assuming there's no major walls or 
sticky points in moving this route, I should be able to implement this 
relatively easily and quickly for 1.5.

- Tim

Graham Triggs wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 11:01 -0600, Tim Donohue wrote:
>> (1) No ability to easily change the review JSP without recompiling. But, 
>> that may not be a big you noted the same is currently true for 
>> the JSPs used to create the various submission forms
> There is nothing to say we couldn't have optional extended configuration
> - so it could be made possible to add additional <input-jsp> and
> <review-jsp> elements to the configuration - or even attributes to the
> jsp-binding element.
> That said, the only time that really becomes useful is if you want to
> specify what is eseentially the same step in different submission
> workflows, with different L&F for each.
>> (2) If someone wanted to create a custom step for JSPUI-only, they'd 
>> have to still create two separate classes: (1) Processing Class and (2) 
>> JSP binding class.  The current way, you'd just need to create a single 
>> Processing Class which implements the JSPStep interface.
> That is absolutely no bad thing. Firstly, although you would have to
> supply two separate classes, the difference in the amount of code
> involved is negligible.
> More importantly, it means people do things the right way - so if they
> want to move from JSP to XML ui in the future, or they want to share
> their custom step with our members of the community that may be using a
> different interface, it's all a lot easier.
>> On the plus side, your idea does vastly simplify the configurations. 
>> The only other option your suggestion brings to mind (which would keep 
>> the API mostly as-is), would be to take an in-between route and create a 
>> configuration looking more like:
>> <step>
>> <heading>general.progress.describe</heading>
>> <jspui-binding>
>> <processing-class></processing-class>
>> <review-jsp>/submit/review-metadata.jsp</review-jsp>
>> </jspui-binding>
>> <xmlui-binding>
>> <processing-class>org.dspace.submit.step.DescribeStep</processing-class>
>> <xml-ui-class></xml-ui-class>
>> </xmlui-binding>
>> <workflow-editable>true</workflow-editable>
>> </step>
> I prefer my 'simplistic' configuration, as forcing people to deal with
> the class seperation now provides them with long term benefits, and
> improves the community's ability to collaborate.
>> Here, the UI "binding" is down at the configuration level...and it would 
>> allow the <jspui-binding> and the <xmlui-binding> to change more over 
>> time, as necessary.  As a potential example, configurations/options for 
>> various steps could eventually be placed as such:
> as mentioned above, the configuration could still allow for:
> <step>
> ...
> <xml-binding>...</xml-binding>
> <jsp-binding>...</jsp-binding>
> <jsp-form>...</jsp-form>
> <jsp-review>...</jsp-review>
> </step>
> or preferably:
> <step>
> ...
> <xml-binding>...</xml-binding>
> <jsp-binding form="..." review="...">...</jsp-binding>
> </step>
> G
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Tim Donohue
Research Programmer, Illinois Digital Environment for
Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS)
135 Grainger Engineering Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

phone: (217) 333-4648
fax:   (217) 244-7764

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