
we have moved from one server to another and on the new
machine, apache is configured to deliver text files with
the proper utf-8 encoding. On the former machine, this
was obviously not the case. The former admin decided to
save the license.txt in windows encoding which made it
display properly in the users browser then. But now, it
looks really nasty. Example:


Now I found, that all these licenses get copied to the
assetstore at the time they are granted with a timestamp
and username in the first line making each of them unique
and an associated database entry containing the precise
file size.

Now, I could certainly put together some script to find
all license files and change the special characters.
This would probably reduce the file size as well, which
would introduce errors to the db implicitly. Ok, I could
produce another script to change the database entries
accordingly. All this looks like quite some work for
a more or less cosmetic problem. I see that the design
makes sense because content should not be changed in an
archive after the date of ingestion, but I think that
this change is not dishonest.

I could also reconfigure apache to deliver text files
the old way but this means to perpetuate the situation
for all items added from now on.

Any advice appreciated.

Bye, Christian

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