We're planning to move our DSpace production environment to a new
server. (This may or may not involve upgrading from 1.4.2 to 1.5 at the
same time, but that's a different story altogether.) 

As far as I can see, the easiest way to migrate DSpace from one server
to another is simply copying the dspace source and install directories
from the old server to matching locations on the new server, and
populate Postgres on the new server with the contents of a pg_dump from
the old server. Right? 

Now, my main concern is the Handle server, mainly because setting it up
was a bit hairy (docs didn't really align well with the real-world
process) and my personal installation notes are quite vague (stupid of
me -- everything else is documented down to the last bit.)

So, will the Handle server migrate just as easily as the rest of DSpace?
What if the host name and/or IP address of the instance changes -- will
I need to reconfigure the Handle server somehow, and/or send
configuration updates to CNRI? (After two years of DSpace
administration, I must admit I still have no clue about how the Handle
server communicates with DSpace and CNRI... missing the big picture
*and* the hairy details.)

Any suggestions are welcome!

best regards

Mathias Hjelt

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