On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 03:09:43PM -0400, Rick Runyan wrote:
> org.dspace.eperson.EPerson.searchResultCount(EPerson.java:326)
> where it says 
>                 TableRow row = DatabaseManager.querySingle(context,
>                         "SELECT count(*) as count FROM eperson WHERE
> eperson_id = ? OR " + 
>                         "firstname ILIKE ? OR lastname ILIKE ? OR email
> ILIKE ?",
>                         new Object[]
> {int_param,dbquery,dbquery,dbquery});
> I'm pretty sure "ILIKE" doesn't work in Oracle, but I see this in the
> 1.4.2 code and I'm pretty sure I was able t create some users in that.
> Does anybody have any idea about what's wrong here?

ILIKE is not SQL; it's a PostgreSQL extension.  It's a
case-insensitive version of LIKE (which *is* SQL).  The query could
probably be rewritten as:

  SELECT count(*) as count FROM eperson
    WHERE eperson_id = ?
      OR LOWER(firstname) LIKE LOWER(?)
      OR LOWER(lastname) LIKE LOWER(?)
      OR LOWER(email) LIKE LOWER(?)

or as:

  SELECT count(*) as count FROM eperson
    WHERE eperson_id = ?
      OR LOWER(firstname) LIKE ?
      OR LOWER(lastname) LIKE ?
      OR LOWER(email) LIKE ?

if dbquery is guaranteed to be lowercase already.  Possibly these
queries would be slightly slower than what we have now, but I would
suggest that this is a place where a PGism should be sacrificed for

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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