I have integrated (one of) our DSpace instances (running v1.4.2) with
our (home grown) portal authentication by creating an implicit
authentication class that checks for our portal authentication cookies,
and if they are there (and valid), it creates a DSpace authentication
context for the user (creating an ePerson record on the fly if
necessary) - it works pretty well, but I have 2 problems I can't get to
the bottom of and wondered if anyone had any pointers etc.
Problem 1:
If a user logs in to our portal and then accesses DSpace and clicks "My
DSpace", the authentication class kicks in and they end up at their My
DSpace page . . . Fine.
The bitstreams in DSpace are protected by a READ policy that only allows
members of the group STIR_USERS to get access (and all new portal
authenticated ePersons are automatically added to this group) - if a
user has a DSpace authentication context in place (i.e. it says "Logged
in as" at the top left), the user can access protected bitstreams no
problem. Fine.
However, if a user logs on to our portal, and then accesses DSpace (so
not actually logged on to DSpace at this point but portal auth cookies
in place), the first time they try to access a bitstream they get the
page "Authorisation Required" - however, when presented with the
"Authorisation Required" page, it appears that they have been
authenticated because the "logged in as" message has appeared, and
hitting refresh brings up the required bitstream (and subsequent access
to bitstreams works fine). So it looks like the authentication class is
being correctly called when they try to access the bitstream, and the
authentication context is being set up, but for some reason I can't
fathom, they don't get access to the bitstream but instead get
redirected to the Authorisation Required screen . . . 
The logs give me this:
2008-03-28 16:09:12,594 INFO
org.dspace.eperson.StirPortalAuthentication @
2008-03-28 16:09:12,594 INFO  org.dspace.app.webui.util.Authenticate @
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:session_id=1C92899D8684656C55C3EE88796A86CF:ip_addr=139.1
2008-03-28 16:09:12,594 INFO  org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.DSpaceServlet
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:session_id=1C92899D8684656C55C3EE88796A86CF:ip_addr=139.1
Authorization denied for action READ on BITSTREAM:232 by user 0

- which seems to suggest some kind of problem - it recognises me as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] but describes me as "user 0". If I hit refresh, the item
appears and the log shows the next line as:
2008-03-28 16:09:16,605 INFO
org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.BitstreamServlet @
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:session_id=1C92899D8684656C55C3EE88796A86CF:ip_addr=139.1
Has anyone else ever seen this kind of behaviour with an implicit
authentication class? Anyone have any idea why this may be happening? Am
I doing something stupid with permissions? Any ideas where in the code I
can dig about to learn more about what is happening, or any code hack
suggestions to make this work the way I think it should?
Problem 2:
Portal authentication is part of an authentication stack with "normal"
authentication below (so external users can create accounts if needs be)
- if a user who has NOT logged on to our portal attempts to access a
bitstream the implicit authentication fails (correctly), and they are
routed to the normal DSpace logon page - I've added a link to this page
for our local users which goes to our portal logon page with a redirect
back to the DSpace homepage - I would like, however, for this redirect
to take the user back to whatever page/bitstream they were trying to
So, is there anyway to pick up the URL of the page they were trying to
access (where the authentication was required) from within the logon JSP
page so that I can embed this in the link to our portal logon page?
Another possibility is to remove the "normal" authentication class
altogether (understanding that this means no external users can use this
instance of DSpace) and have the portal authentication class
automatically route them to our portal logon (along with an appropriate
redirection URL back to DSpace) if the implicit authentication fails -
is this doable? If so, anyone got any pointers on how best to achieve
Thanks in advance for any suggestions/pointers anyone may have (and to
anyone else who bothered to read to the end of this rather wordy request
for help!).
Michael White 
eLearning Developer
Centre for eLearning Development (CeLD) 
S7, The Library 
University of Stirling 
Stirling SCOTLAND 
FK9 4LA 

Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877 
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880 

http://www.is.stir.ac.uk/celd/ <http://www.is.stir.ac.uk/celd/> 


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