 just a quick tip, first of all when you have to deal with templates
defined in some
of the system xslt files like structural.xslt don't modify it but copy
it inside
of your theme xslt. This kind of override is a good practice because
it simplifies
platform upgrade procedures: just backup your custom themes folders and upgrade
from vanilla sources, avoiding the need to hunt/track down all changes
you have done.

About getting properties about your bistreams/items you could try
exporting an item with
org.dspace.app.mets.METSExport   and see which metadata it has.

i hope this could help.

Valerio Minetti

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Mark H. Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  For example, if I need to add a column to
>  the table of bitstreams in an item summary or detail view, this part
>  of the page seems to be built near the bottom of
>  dri2xhtml/DS-METS-1.0-DIM.xsl.  Is there any shortcut around starting
>  in dri2xhtml/structural.xsl and pretending to be an XSLT processor
>  until the affected template is found?

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