
Can you post some of the scrolling code that you see when trying to 
create the administrator?
I think this will help us to figure out what the problem is -  the 
CreateAdministrator command is somewhat quiet when it runs normally.


Paul Jordan wrote:
> Thanks for the support, I didn't realize that the proper url was 
> .../dspace/dspace-admin. I'm still having connection issues, but I've 
> played around with it a bit and think I've found the problem: DSpace 
> isn't recognizing the Admin users I'm creating.
> As per the install instructions, I'm using the command prompt
>     C:\dspace\bin\dsrun org.dspace.administer.CreateAdministrator
> to try and create an admin account. I get prompted for name, email, 
> and password, then get a bunch of scrolling code that I can't decipher 
> but which makes it look like it works. I then restart (just in case 
> something needs to reset), but DSpace still tells me it doesn't 
> recognize the email address or account. I've tried with multiple names 
> and email addresses, but get the same result. Any ideas?
> Many thanks for all your patience as I wrestle with DSpace,
> Sincerely,
> Paul Jordan
> Digital Archivist
> Occidental College
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