Forwarded on from the code4lib list at Ed's request:

----- Forwarded message from Ed Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 08:47:06 -0400
From: Ed Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CODE4LIB] RepoCamp (July 25th, Washington DC)

You are hereby invited to RepoCamp in Washington DC on July 25th.

RepoCamp is a one-day free and open event where folks who are
interested in managing and creating digital repository software and
their contents can gather and share ideas, innovations, trials and
tribulations, implement solutions...and have a drink or two

The event is co-sponsored by the JISC Common Repository Interfaces
Working Group [1] and the Library of Congress. The CRIG is doing some
really interesting outreach work into and outside of the digital
repository community. RepoCamp will mark the end of their "US tour"
[2], so you can expect at the very least to hear what they've learned
during their travels.

One of the key goals of the event is to practically explore what
repository interoperability means...and to hack on solutions. But the
space can definitely be used to explore other aspects of digital
repository work. If you use off the shelf software like Fedora,
DSpace, EPrints, Omeka, Drupal, etc. or write your own software for
depositing, managing, accessing digital content you will fit right in.

If you are interested in attending sign up on the wiki, and add your
ideas for the event. The invite/password to edit the pages is 'c4mp'.



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