
I just wonder how to add special characters to metadata. Unicode-Escapes 
like 𝛀 work - but there are things in the world which are not 
captured by the unicode tables. One example is a superscript infinity 
sign, like in 
http://elib.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de/publications/pics/Omega-S.gif .

Would it be possible to allow MathML or LaTeX to be rendered? Or at 
least to allow a selected set of HTML-tags to handle these things, like 
<sub>, <sup> and <img>?

Best Regards


PS: While playing around to insert unicode-entities, I discovered a bug: 
whenever ampersands occur in a field, the last one is escaped as &amp; 
in the rendered item page, but displayed correct in the text field for 
metadata editing. After actualising / saving the item a second time the 
characters are displayed as expected.


Robert Roggenbuck
Universitaetsbibliothek Osnabrueck

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