Hi Robert,

with "first summary view" do you mean the preview in the workflow?

This got nothing to to with the submission form but is based on the 
default item display. To change this adjust 
webui.itemdisplay.default/orYourOwn. Make sure you got the appropriate 
keys in your Messages.properties/messages.xml.


Robert Roggenbuck schrieb:
> Hi Claudia!
> Yes, two fields in the metadata were missing in the form - and now it 
> works. Thanks!
> But still it is strange to see only dc.title and dc.identifier in the 
> first summary view of an item after picking it up form the workflow 
> pool. At least I would expect dc.creator at this place. (I did not use 
> dc.creator.author, because there is none in Dublin Core). Is there a 
> place to adjust this page?
> Greetings
> Robert
> Claudia Jürgen schrieb:
>> Hi Robert,
>> did you adjust your submission forms so that they'll correspond to the 
>> metadata given in the import?
>> Claudia
>> Robert Roggenbuck schrieb:
>>> Hi all,
>>> when I use the --workflow option for the /dspace/bin/import 
>>> (ItemImport), only 'dc.title' and 'dc.identifier' are imported. All 
>>> other fields in the submit form are empty. Without --workflow the 
>>> whole dataset is immediatly visible.
>>> What's going on? Can someone explain this behaviour and know how to 
>>> handle it?
>>> Best Regards
>>> Robert
>>> PS: Sorry for seeming impatiend ... but, as usual, it is an important 
>>> point for me.

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